Thursday, June 9, 2011

Antarctic Dream Profiled on Wherever I May Roam Blog

Check out this fantastic blog entry about one woman's experience aboard the Antarctic Dream. The author of the "Wherever I May Roam" blog paints an intimate picture of her experiences during a January 2011 departure to The White Continent, including her up-close-and-personal encounters with a few Minke whales.

Our first expedition cruise to Antarctica for the 2011/2012 season is November 1st. Please join us this year for a once in a lifetime experience, and maybe a few encounters like this one:

"Without warning, a few meters away from the dinghy boat, a Minke whale surfaces and sprays water from its blowhole. WOW!!!! Before long, you are surrounded by 5 of these beautiful creatures and they are interested in finding out more about you. They glide underneath the boat, they spy hop up to take a proper look, you look straight into the eye of the gentle giant as it tries to work out what you are doing there. This is surely not a scene from planet earth."

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By RKern